
Who We Are

  • Company's philosophy on code of Governance

    The Company's philosophy of Corporate Governance is aimed at assisting the management of the Company in the efficient conduct of its business and meeting its obligations to stakeholders and is guided by a strong emphasis on transparency, accountability and integrity.

  • Board of Directors

    Composition and size of the Board:

    The Board has a strength of Nine Directors.

    The Directors have wide experience in the field of Audit, Banking, Business Development, Compliance, Finance, Human Resources, Information Technology and Risk Management.

    • Composition of the Board

      The composition of the Board is as follows:

      Sr. No. Name of Director Designation
      1 Mr. Arijit Basu Part Time Non-Executive Chairman and Independent Director
      2 Dr. Amla Samanta Independent Director
      3 Mr. Adayapalam Kumaraswamy Viswanathan Independent Director
      4 Ms. Arundhati Mech Independent Director
      5 Mr. Jayesh Chakravarthi Independent Director
      6 Mr. Jimmy Tata Non-Executive Director (Non-Independent)
      7 Mr. Jayant Purushottam Gokhale Independent Director
      8 Mr. Bhaskar Sharma Independent Director
      9 Mr. Ramesh Ganesan Managing Director & Chief Executive Officer
    • Composition of Committees of Directors

      The Board's Committees are as follows:

      Audit Committee

      Sr. No. Name of Committee Member Designation
      1 Mr. Jayant Gokhale Chairman
      2 Mr. Adayapalam Kumaraswamy Viswanathan Member
      3 Mr. Jimmy Tata Member

      Risk Management Committee

      Sr. No. Name of Committee Member Designation
      1 Mr. Adayapalam Kumaraswamy Viswanathan Chairman
      2 Ms. Arundhati Mech Member
      3 Mr. Ramesh Ganesan Member
      4 Mr. Jimmy Tata Member
      5 Mr. Jayant Gokhale Member

      Nomination and Remuneration Committee

      Sr. No. Name of Committee Member Designation
      1 Ms. Arundhati Mech Chairperson
      2 Dr. Amla Samanta Member
      3 Mr. Arijit Basu Member

      Information Technology Strategy Committee

      Sr. No. Name of Committee Member Designation
      1 Mr. Jayesh Chakravarthi Chairman
      2 Mr. Adayapalam Kumaraswamy Viswanathan Member
      3 Ms. Arundhati Mech Member
      4 Mr. Ramesh Ganesan Member
      5 Mr. Mathew Panat Member

      Corporate Social Responsibility and ESG Committee

      Sr. No. Name of Committee Member Designation
      1 Dr. Amla Samanta Chairperson
      2 Mr. Ramesh Ganesan Member
      3 Mr. Jayesh Chakravarthi Member
      4 Mr. Bhaskar Sharma Member

      Stakeholders Relationship Committee

      Sr. No. Name of Committee Member Designation
      1 Dr. Amla Samanta Chairperson
      2 Mr. Ramesh Ganesan Member
      3 Mr. Bhaskar Sharma Member

      Customer Service Review Committee

      Sr. No. Name of Committee Member Designation
      1 Mr. Bhaskar Sharma Chairman
      1 Mr. Jayesh Chakravarthi Member
      1 Mr. Ramesh Ganesan Member

      Strategic Transaction Committee

      Sr. No. Name of Committee Member Designation
      1 Mr. Arijit Basu Chairman
      2 Mr. Ramesh Ganesan Member
      3 Mr. Jayant Gokhale Member

      Special Committee of the Board for Monitoring and Follow-up of cases of Frauds

      Sr. No. Name of Committee Member Designation
      1 Mr. Arijit Basu Chairman
      2 Mr. Jayant Gokhale Member
      3 Mr. Ramesh Ganesan Member

      Review Committee for Identification of Willful Defaulters

      Sr. No. Name of Committee Member Designation
      1 Mr. Ramesh Ganesan Chairman
      2 Ms. Arundhati Mech Member
      3 Mr. Adayapalam Kumaraswamy Viswanathan Member
    • Code of Conduct - Independent Director
    • Appointment Letter - Independent Director
  • Familiarization Program for Independent Directors

As per the Income Tax Act, 1961 ("IT Act"), as amended by the Finance Act, 2020, dividends paid or distributed by the Company after April 1, 2020, shall be taxable in the hands of the Shareholders. The Company shall therefore be required to deduct tax at source at the time of payment of dividend.

The formats of Form 15G, Form 15H and Self declaration (Non-resident shareholder) are provided below:

HDB issues various debt securities on private placement basis like Secured Non-Convertible Debentures & Market Linked Debentures, Unsecured Subordinated Bonds, Perpetual Debt Instruments and Commercial Paper under the approval of its Shareholders/Board of Directors and in terms of the applicable laws, rules and regulations governing the same.

These securities are subsequently listed on the WDM segment of the BSE/NSE. Pursuant to Regulation 62 of the SEBI (LODR) Regulations, 2015, details of the issued debentures/bonds, disclosure documents, credit rating letters and all other relevant details are available here.
Disclosure Document for CP Series 279, 283 & 284 INE756I14EZ4, INE756I14FA4 & INE756I14FB2 21-03-2025
Letter of offer for CP Series 284 INE756I14FB2 21-03-2025
Letter of offer for CP Series 283 INE756I14FA4 21-03-2025
Letter of offer for CP Series 279 INE756I14EZ4 21-03-2025
Letter of offer for CP Series 282 INE756I14EY7 20-03-2025
Letter of offer for CP Series 278 INE756I14EZ4 20-03-2025
Disclosure Document for CP Series 278 & 282 INE756I14EZ4 & INE756I14EY7 20-03-2025
Letter of offer for CP Series 280 INE756I14EW1 19-03-2025
Disclosure Document for CP Series 277 & 280 INE756I14EY7 & INE756I14EW1 19-03-2025
Disclosure Document for CP Series 273, 274, 275 & 276 INE756I14ET7, INE756I14EV3, INE756I14EW1 & INE756I14EX9 17-03-2025
Disclosure Document for CP Series 272 INE756I14ET7 13-03-2025
Disclosure Document for CP Series 270 & 271 INE756I14EU5 & INE756I14ET7 12-03-2025
Disclosure Document for CP Series 269 INE756I14ET7 11-03-2025
Disclosure Document for CP Series 268 INE756I14ES9 28-02-2025
Disclosure Document for CP Series 267 INE756I14ER1 24-02-2025
Disclosure Document for CP Series 266 INE756I14ER1 21-02-2025
Disclosure Document for CP Series 265 INE756I14EQ3 13-02-2025
Disclosure Document for CP Series 261 & 262_ INE756I14EM2 & INE756I14EN0 06-02-2025
Disclosure Document for CP Series 260_ INE756I14DP7 29-01-2025
Disclosure Document for CP Series 259_ INE756I14DP7 28-01-2025
Disclosure Document for CP Series 256, 257 & 258 _ INE756I14EB5, INE756I14EL4 & INE756I14EK6 20-12-2024
Disclosure Document for CP Series 255 _ INE756I14EJ8 22-11-2024
Disclosure Document for CP Series 253 & 254 _ INE756I14EI0 & INE756I14EH2 28-11-2024
Disclosure Document for CP Series 252 _ INE756I14EH2 27-11-2024
Disclosure Document for CP Series 251 _ INE756I14EH2 21-11-2024
Disclosure Document for CP Series 248, 249 & 250 _ INE756I14EF6, INE756I14EE9 & INE756I14EG4 19-11-2024
Disclosure Document for CP Series 247_ INE756I14EF6 18-11-2024
Disclosure Document for CP Series 245 & 246 _ INE756I14EC3 & INE756I14EF6 14-11-2024
Disclosure Document for CP Series 244 _ INE756I14EC3 13-11-2024
Disclosure Document for CP Series 243 _ INE756I14EC3 12-11-2024
Disclosure Document for CP Series 242 _ INE756I14EE9 08-11-2024
Disclosure Document for CP Series 238, 240 & 241 _ INE756I14EB5, INE756I14EC3 & INE756I14ED1 30-10-2024
Disclosure Document for CP Series 239 _ INE756I14EC3 29-10-2024
Disclosure Document for CP Series 236 & 237 _ INE756I14EB5 25-10-2024
Disclosure Document for CP Series 233 & 235 _ INE756I14EA7 & INE756I14DZ6 27-09-2024
Disclosure Document for CP Series 234_INE756I14DZ6 26-09-2024
Disclosure Document for CP Series 232 _ INE756I14EA7 26-09-2024
Disclosure Document for CP Series 231 _ INE756I14DZ6 25-09-2024
Disclosure Document for CP Series 230 _ INE756I14DZ6 19-09-2024
Disclosure Document for CP Series 229 _ INE756I14DY9 27-08-2024
Disclosure Document for CP Series 228 _ INE756I14DX1 21-08-2024
Disclosure Document for CP Series 227 _ INE756I14DW3 Further Issuance 19-08-2024
Disclosure Document for CP Series 226 _ INE756I14DW3 16-08-2024
Disclosure Document for CP Series 225 _ INE756I14DV5 14-06-2024
Disclosure Document for CP Series 224 _ INE756I14DU7 06-06-2024
Disclosure Document for CP Series 223 _ INE756I14DQ5 28-05-2024
Disclosure Document for CP Series 222 _ INE756I14DQ5, INE756I14DR3, INE756I14DS1 & INE756I14DT9 30-04-2024
Disclosure Document for CP Series 221 _ INE756I14DP7 23-04-2024
Disclosure Document for CP Series 216 _ INE756I14DP7 23-04-2024
TPM for NCD Series 192_NE756I07EE3 & INE756I07ES3 13-04-2023
Shelf Disclosure Document for NCD issue of upto Rs.5000 crore 11-04-2023
In-principle approval from BSE for NCD issue of upto Rs.5000 crore 10-04-2023
TPM For NCD Series 191_INE756I07ER5 & INE756I07EQ7 17-03-2023
TPM For NCD Series 190_INE756I07EP9 21-02-2023
TPM For NCD Series 189_INE756I07EK0 & INE756I07EO2 13-01-2023
Addendum to Shelf Disclosure Document for NCD issue of upto Rs. 5,244 crore 11-01-2023
TPM For NCD Series 188_INE756I07EK0 & INE756I07EN4 21-12-2022
TPM For NCD Series 187_INE756I07EK0, INE756I07EL8 & INE756I07EM6 17-11-2022
Shelf Disclosure Document for NCD issue of upto Rs.5,244 crore 14-11-2022
In-principle approval from BSE for NCD issue of upto Rs.5,244 crore 10-11-2022
TPM For NCD Series 186_INE756I07EK0 & INE756I07EL8 25-10-2022
TPM For NCD Series 185_INE756I07EF0 & INE756I07EI4 14-10-2022
TPM For NCD Series 184_INE756I07EF0 28-09-2022
Addendum to Shelf Disclosure Document for NCD issue of upto 2,500 crore 14-09-2022
Addendum to TPM For NCD Series 183_INE756I07EJ2 14-09-2022
TPM For NCD Series 183_INE756I07EJ2 12-09-2022
In-principle approval from BSE for NCD issue of upto Rs.2500 crore 12-08-2022
Shelf Disclosure Document for NCD issue of upto Rs. 2500 crore 12-08-2022
In-principle approval from BSE for NCD issue of upto Rs.800 crore 12-08-2022
TPM For NCD Series 182_INE756I07EI4 18-08-2022
TPM For NCD Series 181_INE756I07EF0, INE756I07EG8 06-07-2022
TPM For NCD Series 180_INE756I07DT3, INE756I07EE3 02-06-2022
TPM For NCD Series 179_INE756I07EA1, INE756I07EC7 25-05-2022
In-principle approval from BSE for NCD issue of upto Rs.1,000 crore 23-05-2022
TPM For NCD Series 178_INE756I07DN6 26.04.2022
Shelf Disclosure Document for NCD issue of upto Rs.10,000 crore 22.04.2022
In-principle approval from BSE for NCD issue of upto Rs.800 crore 22.04.2022

HDB Financial Services Ltd. issues Secured, Rated, Listed, Redeemable, Principal Protected, Non-Convertible, Market Linked Debentures (hereinafter referred to as "MLDs"), which are structured debt instruments that have a return linked to the performance of any type of market benchmark that decides the amounts of future coupon payments. Refer to the relevant Offer Documents i.e. Shelf Placement Memorandum and Supplemental Placement Memorandum relating to the specific MLD issuances for details, including their risk factors.

As per the SEBI Guidelines for Issue and Listing of Structured Products / Market Linked Debentures dated September 28, 2011, CRISIL Ratings Limited (CRISIL) has been appointed as the valuation agency for valuation of these MLDs. The latest and historical valuations provided by the valuation agent will be available on the link below:

Disclaimer: The valuation provided by the valuation agency may vary from the value determined by the Issuer of MLDs. The Issuer shall not be obliged to consider or rely upon the valuation provided by the valuation agency.

RD intimation_IINE756I07DF2, INE756I07DH8, INE756I07DO4, INE756I08181, INE756I08074, INE756I07DP1, INE756I07DC9, INE756I07EN4, INE756I08108, INE756I08140, INE756I07DE5, INE756I07DR7, INE756I08157, INE756I07EH6, INE756I07EG8, INE756I08199, INE756I07DD7, INE756I07CU3, INE756I07DS5, INE756I08165, INE756I07DQ9, INE756I07EJ2, INE756I07DV9, INE756I07DX5, INE756I07EI4, INE756I08041, INE756I07DT3, INE756I07DG0, INE756I08231, INE756I08215, INE756I07DZ0, INE756I08082, INE756I08173, INE756I07EM6, INE756I08090, INE756I07DL0, INE756I08207, INE756I08116, INE756I08058 & INE756I07EB9 03-04-2023
RD intimation_INE756I07ER5 22-03-2023
RD intimation_INE756I07DA3 & INE756I07EP9 01-03-2023
RD intimation_INE756I07EO2, INE756I14CX3, INE756I07ED5, INE756I08066 & INE756I08033 31-01-2023
RD intimation_INE756I14CX3 31-01-2023
RD intimation_INE756I08124, INE756I07CY5, INE756I08132, INE756I07DM8, INE756I07EL8 31-12-2022
RD intimation_INE756I07EA1, INE756I07CZ2 & INE756I07EE3 01-12-2022
RD intimation_INE756I08116, INE756I08058, INE756I07CX7, INE756I07EB9 02-11-2022
RD intimation_INE756I08215, INE756I07DZ0, INE756I08082, INE756I08173, INE756I08090, INE756I07CW9, INE756I07DL0, INE756I08207 , INE756I08025 27-09-2022
RD intimation_INE756I07DB1, INE756I08041, INE756I07DT3, INE756I07DG0, INE756I08231 03-09-2022
RD intimation_ INE756I07EI4 24-08-2022
RD intimation_INE756I07DB1, INE756I08165, INE756I07DV9, INE756I07DX5 02-08-2022
RD intimation_-INE756I07DU1 12-07-2022
RD intimation_ INE756I07DR7, INE756I08157,INE756I07DU1, INE756I08017, INE756I07DK2, INE756I07EG8,INE756I08199, INE756I07DD7, INE756I07CS7, INE756I07CU3 12-07-2022
RD intimation_INE756I08108_INE756I07DJ4_INE756I07DE5_INE756I08140 15-06-2022
RD intimation_INE756I07DB1_INE756I07CP3_INE756I07DP1_INE756I07DC9_INE756I08181_INE756I08074 06.05.2022
RD intimation_INE756I07CK4_INE756I07DH8_INE756I07DO4 04.04.2022
Revised RD intimation_INE756I07DA3 03.03.2021
RD intimation_INE756I07BW1_INE756I07BU5_INE756I07DA3 02.03.2021
RD intimation_INE756I07DB1_INE756I07CO6_INE756I08066_INE756I08033_INE756I07CE7 01.02.2021
RD intimation_INE756I08124_INE756I07CN8_INE756I07CY5_INE756I07CM0_INE756I08132 06.01.2021
RD intimation_INE756I07BU5_INE756I07CZ2 21.12.2020
RD intimation_INE756I07DB1_INE756I07BT7_INE756I08116_INE756I08058_INE756I07CX7 10.11.2020
Revised RD intimation_INE756I08207_INE756I08025 02.11.2020
RD intimation_INE756I08082_ INE756I08173_ INE756I08090_ INE756I07BR1_ INE756I07CV1_ INE756I07CW9_ INE756I08207_ INE756I08025 20.10.2020
RD intimation_INE756I08041_INE756I07BQ3_INE756I07DG0 15.09.2020
RD intimation_INE756I07DB1_INE756I08165_INE756I07BP5_INE756I07CC1_INE756I07BM2 11.08.2020
RD intimation_INE756I08157_INE756I07CT5_INE756I08017_INE756I07CJ6_INE756I07CB3_INE756I08199_INE756I07BL4_INE756I07DD7_INE756I07CS7_INE756I07CU3 13.07.2020
Revised RD intimation_INE756I07CL2 07.07.2020
RD intimation__INE756I14CU9_INE756I14CT1 22.06.2020
RD intimation_INE756I07BF6_INE756I07CA5_INE756I07BL4_INE756I08108_INE756I07BM2_INE756I07DE5_INE756I08140_INE756I07CL2 16.06.2020
RD intimation_ INE756I14CR5 26.05.2020
RD intimation_ INE756I07DB1_ INE756I08181_ INE756I07BE9_ INE756I07BJ8_ INE756I07CF4_ INE756I07CP3_ INE756I07BG4_ INE756I07BK6_ INE756I08074_ INE756I07BY7_ INE756I07BH2_ INE756I07DC9 12.05.2020
RD intimation_INE756I14CQ7_INE756I14CO2 17.04.2020
RD intimation_INE756I07CK4_INE756I14CQ7_INE756I14CO2_INE756I07BE9_INE756I07CQ1_INE756I07CQ1_INE756I07BG4_INE756I07BC3_INE756I07BH2 01.04.2020
Intimation regarding Credit rating Revalidation - CRISIL 21-03-2025
Intimation regarding Credit rating Revalidation - CARE 20-03-2025
Intimation under Regulation 51 of SEBI (LODR) 11-03-2025
Intimation regarding Credit rating Revalidation - CRISIL 21-02-2025
Intimation of Notice of Postal Ballot - January 2025 11-02-2025
Newspaper advertisement_Financial Result Q3 FY 2024-25 14-01-2025
BSE intimation regarding Credit rating Revalidation - CRISIL 04-01-2025
BSE intimation regarding Credit rating Revalidation - CRISIL 03-01-2025
Change in the name of Registrar and Share Transfer Agent 02-01-2025
Intimation regarding Credit rating Revalidation - CARE 25-02-2024
BSE intimation regarding Credit rating Revalidation - CARE 18-12-2024
BSE intimation regarding Credit rating Revalidation - CARE 25-11-2024
BSE intimation regarding Credit rating Revalidation - CRISIL 25-11-2024
Other intimation under Regulation 51(2) of SEBI (LODR) 19-10-2024
Newspaper advertisement_Financial Result Q2 FY 2024-25 16-10-2024
Intimation of re-appointment of Secretarial Auditor, Chief Risk Officer and Declaration of Interim Dividend for FY 2024-25 16-10-2024
BSE intimation regarding Credit rating Rationale - CARE 11-10-2024
BSE intimation regarding Credit rating Revalidation - CARE 26-09-2024
BSE intimation regarding Credit rating Revalidation - CRISIL 26-09-2024
Intimation of Notice of Postal Ballot - September 2024 20-09-2024
Intimation under Regulation 51 of SEBI (LODR) 20-09-2024
Intimation under Regulation 51 of SEBI (LODR) 16-09-2024
Other intimation under Regulation 51(2) of SEBI (LODR) 20-07-2024
Other Intimation under Regulations 50(2) and 53(2) of SEBI (LODR) 05-06-2024
Other intimation under Regulation 51(2) of SEBI (LODR) 17-05-2024
Intimation under Regulation 51(2) of SEBI (LODR) 17-05-2024
Secretarial Compliance Report for the financial year ended March 31, 2024 29-04-2024
Compliance Certificate in terms of Regulation 61(4) read with Regulation 40(10) of LODR for year ended March 2024 18-04-2024
Compliance Certificate under Regulation 7 (3) of SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 for year ended March 31, 2024 18-04-2024
Intimation under Regulation 51(2) of SEBI (LODR) 17-04-2024
Disclosure for fund raising of Debt Securities by Large Corporate pursuant to Chapter XII of SEBI
Operational Circular No. SEBI/HO/DDHS/P/CIR/2021/613 for year ended 31.03.2024
Intimation under Regulation 51(2) of SEBI (LODR) 16-04-2024
CP Redemption NSE Intimation_ INE756I14ES9sd 19-03-2025
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest and principal_ INE756I07ED5 17-03-2025
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest_ INE756I07EO2 17-03-2025
CP Redemption NSE Intimation_ INE756I14EN0sd 06-03-2025
CP Redemption Intimation INE756I14EQ3 05-03-2025
CP Redemption Intimation INE756I14ER1 04-03-2025
CP Redemption Intimation INE756I14EM2 28-02-2025
CP Redemption Intimation INE756I14DN2 25-02-2025
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest_ INE756I07EL8 25-02-2025
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest_ INE756I08132 21-02-2025
CP Redemption Intimation INE756I14EO8 18-02-2025
BSE-intimation-regarding-payment-of-interest_INE756I08124 01-02-2025
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest and principal_ INE756I07EE3 24-01-2025
CP Redemption Intimation INE756I14ED1 14-01-2025
CP Redemption Intimation INE756I14EK6 07-01-2025
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest_ INE756I07FB6 06-01-2025
CP Redemption Intimation INE756I14EB5 06-01-2025
CP Redemption Intimation INE756I14EL4 03-01-2025
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest_INE756I08264 30-12-2024
CP Redemption Intimation INE756I14EI0 23-12-2024
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest_ INE756I07EB9 23-12-2024
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest_ INE756I08256 23-12-2024
CP Redemption Intimation INE756I14EJ8 10-12-2024
CP Redemption Intimation INE756I14EC3 04-12-2024
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest_ INE756I08116 06-12-2024
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest_ INE756I08082 13-11-2024
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest_ INE756I08090 13-11-2024
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest & Redemption_ INE756I07DZ0 08-11-2024
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest_ INE756I08231 29-10-2024
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest & Redemption_ INE756I07DT3 25-10-2024
NSE intimation regarding payment of Redemption_ INE756I14DZ6 04-10-2024
NSE intimation regarding payment of Redemption_ INE756I14DZ6 03-10-2024
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest_ INE756I07EI4 23-09-2024
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest_ INE756I07DX5 13-09-2024
NSE intimation regarding payment of Redemption_ INE756I14DX1 13-09-2024
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest & Redemption_ INE756I07DV9 13-09-2024
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest_ INE756I07EJ2 12-09-2024
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest_ INE756I08165 09-09-2024
NSE intimation regarding payment of Redemption_ INE756I14DY9 03-09-2024
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest_ INE756I07CU3 28-08-2024
NSE intimation regarding payment of Redemption_ INE756I14DW3 27-08-2024
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest_ INE756I08199 16-08-2024
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest_ INE756I07EG8 12-08-2024
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest_ INE756I07DY3 30-07-2024
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest_ INE756I08140 29-07-2024
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest_ INE756I07EU9 25-07-2024
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest and Redemption_ INE756I08108 22-7-2024
NSE intimation regarding payment of Redemption_ INE756I14DT9 22-7-2024
NSE intimation regarding payment of Redemption_INE756I14DR3 19-07-2024
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest and Redemption_ INE756I07EN4 15-07-2024
NSE intimation regarding payment of Redemption_ INE756I14DU7 08-07-2024
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest and Redemption_ INE756I07EZ8 05-07-2024
NSE intimation regarding payment of Redemption_ INE756I14DU7 03-07-2024
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest and Redemption_ INE756I07ET1 01-07-2024
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest and Redemption_ INE756I07DO4 28-05-2024
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest_ INE756I07EY1 10-05-2024
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest and redemption _ INE756I07DN6 26-04-2024
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest and redemption _ INE756I07ER5 24-04-2024
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest and redemption _ INE756I07EP9 18-04-2024
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest and redemption _ INE756I07ES3 18-04-2024
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest and redemption _ INE756I07EX3 06-04-2024
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest and redemption_ INE756I07EC7 19-03-2024
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest and redemption_ INE756I08066 18-03-2024
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest and redemption_ INE756I07ED5 18-03-2024
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest and redemption_ INE756I07EO2 16-03-2024
BSE intimation regarding payment of redemption_ INE756I14DL6 04-03-2024
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest and redemption_ INE756I07EL8 26-02-2024
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest and redemption_ INE756I07DM8 23-02-2024
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest_ INE756I14DK8 22-02-2024
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest_ INE756I08132 21-02-2024
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest_ INE756I14DM4 05-02-2024
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest_ INE756I08124 01-02-2024
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest_ INE756I07EE3 24-01-2024
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest_ INE756I07EA1 17-01-2024
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest_ INE756I07EB9 26-12-2023
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest_ INE756I08058 20-12-2023
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest_ INE756I08116 06-12-2023
NSE intimation regarding payment of Redemption_INE756I14DJ0 04-12-2023
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest_ INE756I08207 29-11-2023
NSE intimation regarding payment of Redemption_INE756I14DF8 28-11-2023
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest_ INE756I07DL0 28-11-2023
NSE intimation regarding payment of Redemption_INE756I14DE1 24-11-2023
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest_ INE756I08090 17-11-2023
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest_ INE756I07EM6 17-11-2023
NSE intimation regarding payment of Redemption_INE756I14DC5 15-11-2023
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest_ INE756I08173 15-11-2023
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest_ INE756I08082 13-11-2023
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest_ INE756I07DZ05 10-11-2023
NSE intimation regarding payment of Redemption_INE756I14DD3 06-11-2023
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest_ INE756I08215 02-11-2023
NSE intimation regarding payment of Redemption_INE756I14DH4 31-10-2023
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest_ INE756I08231 30-10-2023
NSE intimation regarding payment of Redemption_INE756I14DG6 30-10-2023
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest & redemption_ INE756I07DG0 26-10-2023
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest_ INE756I07DT3 25-10-2023
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest & redemption_ INE756I08041 17-10-2023
Disclosure Document for CP Series 212_ INE756I14DJ0 25-09-2023
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest & redemption_ INE756I07EI4 25-09-2023
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest & redemption_ INE756I07DV9 & INE756I07DX5 13-09-2023
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest & redemption_ INE756I07EJ2 12-09-2023
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest & redemption_INE756I07DQ9 & INE756I08165 07-09-2023
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest & redemption_INE756I07DS5 04-09-2023
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest_INE756I07CU3 28-08-2023
NSE intimation regarding payment of redemption_INE756I14DA9 28-08-2023
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest and redemption_INE756107DD7 24-08-2023
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest_INE756108199 17-08-2023
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest_ INE756I07EG8 11-08-2023
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest_INE756l08157 07-08-2023
BSE intimation regarding payment of redemption_INE756I14CZ8 04-08-2023
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest_INE756l07DR7 02-08-2023
NSE intimation regarding payment of redemption_INE756l14CY1 02-08-2023
NSE intimation regarding payment of redemption_INE756l14DB7 31-07-2023
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest & redemption_INE756I08140 & INE756I07DE5 27-07-2023
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest_INE756I08108 24-07-2023
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest payment_ INE756I07EN4 14-07-2023
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest & redemption_INE756I07DC9 28-06-2023
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest_INE756I07DP1 22-06-2023
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest_INE756I08074 20-06-2023
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest_INE756I08181 07-06-2023
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest_INE756I07DO4 29-05-2023
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest & redemption_INE756I07DH8 25-05-2023
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest & redemption_INE756I07DF2 09-05-2023
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest_INE756I07ER5 24-04-2023
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest & redemption_INE756I07DA3 & INE756I07EP9 17-04-2023
Intimation of Notice of Postal Ballot - January 2024 29-01-2024
Intimation under Regulation 51 of SEBI (LODR) 27-01-2024
Intimation under Regulation 55 & 51 of SEBI LODR 23-01-2024
Intimation under Regulation 51 of SEBI (LODR) 13-01-2024
Intimation of Notice of Postal Ballot - August 2023 27-07-2023
Intimation under Regulation 55 & 51 of SEBI LODR 19-12-2023
Intimation under Regulation 55 & 51(2) of SEBI LODR 18-11-2023
Intimation under Regulation 55 & 51(2) of SEBI LODR 17-10-2023
Intimation of re-appointment of Secretarial Auditor and Declaration of Interim Dividend for FY 2023-24 14-10-2023
Intimation under Regulation 55 & 51(2) of SEBI LODR 30-09-2023
Intimation under Regulation 55 & 51(2) of SEBI LODR 20-09-2023
Intimation under Regulation 55 & 51(2) of SEBI LODR 30-08-2023
Intimation under Regulation 55 & 51(2) of SEBI LODR 23-08-2023
Intimation under Regulation 55 & 51(2) of SEBI LODR 18-08-2023
Intimation under Regulation 55 & 51(2) of SEBI LODR 07-08-2023
intimation under Regulation 55 & 51(2) of SEBI LODR 03-08-2023
intimation under Regulation 55 & 51(2) of SEBI LODR 06-07-2023
Intimation of appointment of Mr. Jimmy Tata as an Additional Non-Executive Director (Non-Independent) 15-07-2023
Intimation under Regulation 55 & 51(2) of SEBI LODR 09-06-2023
Intimation under regulations 50(2) and 53(2) of SEBI (LODR)_08.06.2023 08.06.2023
Other Intimation under Regulations 50(2) and 53(2) of SEBI (LODR) 06.06.2023
Other intimation under Regulation 51(2) of SEBI (LODR) 31-05-2023
Intimation under Regulation 51(2) of SEBI (LODR) 31-05-2023
Compliance Certificate in terms of Regulation 61(4) read with Regulation 40(10) of LODR for March 2023 18-04-2023
Secretarial Compliance Report for the financial year ended March 31, 2023 17-04-2023
Compliance Certificate under Regulation 7 (3) of SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 for year ended March 31, 2023 15-04-2023
Intimation of recommendation of Final Dividend 15-04-2023
Disclosure for fund raising of Debt Securities by Large Corporate pursuant to Chapter XII of SEBI Operational Circular No. SEBI/HO/DDHS/P/CIR/2021/613 for year ended 31.03.2023 15-04-2023
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest & redemption_INE756I08033 21-03-2023
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest_INE756I08066 18-03-2023
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest_IINE756I07ED5 17-03-2023
NSE intimation regarding payment of redemption_INE756I14CX3 17-03-2023
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest_INE756I07EO2 16-03-2023
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest_INE756I07EL8 27-02-2023
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest_INE756I07DM8 23-02-2023
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest_INE756I08132 21-02-2023
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest & redemption_IINE756I07CY5 16-02-2023
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest_INE756I08124 01-02-2023
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest_INE756I07EE3 24-01-2023
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest_INE756I07CZ2 20-01-2023
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest_INE756I07EA1 17-01-2023
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest & redemption_INE756I07CX7 & INE756I07EB9 23-12-2022
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest & redemption_INE756I08058 20.12.2022
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest & redemption_INE756I08116 06.12.2022
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest & redemption_INE756I08025 30.11.2022
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest & redemption_INE756I08207 29.11.2022
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest & redemption_INE756I07DL0 28.11.2022
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest & redemption_INE756I07CW9 19-11-2022
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest_INE756I08090 17-11-2022
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest_INE756I08173 15-11-2022
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest_INE756I08082 14-11-2022
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest_INE756I07DZ0 10-11-2022
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest_INE756I08215 02-11-2022
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest_INE756I08231 29-10-2022
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest_INE756I07DG0 27-10-2022
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest_INE756I07DT3 25-10-2022
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest_INE756I07DB1 20-10-2022
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest_INE756I08041 18-10-2022
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest_INE756I07EI4 23-09-2022
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest_INE756I07DV9 & INE756I07DX5 13-09-2022
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest_INE756I08165 07-09-2022
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest_INE756I07DB1 03-09-2022
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest_INE756I07CU3 29-08-2022
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest & redemption_INE756I07CS7 25-08-2022
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest_INE756I07DD 24-08-2022
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest_INE756I08199 17-08-2022
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest & redemption_INE756I07EG8 11-08-2022
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest & redemption_INE756I07DK2 10-08-2022
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest & redemption_INE756I07DU1_INE756I08017 08-08-2022
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest_INE756I08157 06-08-2022
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest_INE756I07DR7 03-08-2022
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest_INE756I07DE5 27-07-2022
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest_INE756I08140 27-07-2022
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest & redemption_INE756I07DJ4 26-07-2022
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest_INE756I08108 22-07-2022
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest_INE756I07DC9 29-06-2022
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest_INE756I07DP1 22-06-2022
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest_INE756I08074 20-06-2022
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest & redemption_INE756I07CP3 17-06-2022
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest_INE756I08181 07-06-2022
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest_INE756I07DB1 03-06-2022
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest_INE756I07DO4 30-05-2022
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest_INE756I07DH8 25-05-2022
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest & redemption_INE756I07CK4 04-05-2022
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest & redemption_INE756I07DA3 18-04-2022
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest & redemption_INE756I07CI8 05-04-2022
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest & redemption_INE756I08033 25.03.2022
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest & redemption_INE756I07CE7 25.03.2022
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest_INE756I08066 19.03.2022
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest_INE756I07CO6 14.03.2022
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest_INE756I07DB1 03.03.2022
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest_INE756I07DM8 23.02.2022
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest_INE756I08132 21.02.2022
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest_INE756I07CY5 16.02.2022
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest_INE756I08124 01.02.2022
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest_INE756I07CZ2 20.01.2021
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest_INE756I07EA1 17.01.2022
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest_INE756I07CX7 27.12.2021
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest_INE756I08058 20.12.2021
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest_INE756I08116 06.12.2021
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest_INE756I08025 30.11.2021
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest_INE756I07DL0 & INE756I08207 29.11.2021
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest_INE756I07CW9 20.11.2021
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest & redemption_INE756I07CV1 18.11.2021
NSE intimation regarding payment of redemption_INE756I14CW5 18.11.2021
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest_INE756I08090 17.11.2021
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest_INE756I08082 & INE756I08173 15.11.2021
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest INE756I08215 02.11.2021
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest & redemption_INE756I07CD9 29.10.2021
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest_INE756I07DG0 26.10.2021
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest_INE756I07DT3 25.10.2021
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest_INE756I08041 18.10.2021
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest_INE756I08165 07.09.2021
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest_INE756I07DB1 03.09.2021
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest_INE756I07CU3 30.08.2021
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest_INE756I07CS7 25.08.2021
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest_INE756I07DD7 24.08.2021
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest_INE756I08199 17.08.2021
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest_INE756I08017 09.08.2021
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest_INE756I07DI6 & INE756I08157 06.08.2021
NSE Intimation regarding redemption_INE756I14CV7 06.08.2021
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest_INE756I07DE5 & INE756I08140 27.07.2021
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest_INE756I07DJ4 26.07.2021
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest_INE756I08108 22.07.2021
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest & redemption_INE756I07CA5 12.07.2021
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest & redemption_INE756I07BY7 07.07.2021
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest_INE756I07DC9 29.06.2021
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest_INE756I07BY7 28.06.2021
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest_INE756I08074 21.06.2021
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest_INE756I07CP3 17.06.2021
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest & redemption_INE756I07BX9 08.06.2021
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest_INE756I08181 07.06.2021
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest & redemption_INE756I07CR9 04.06.2021
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest_INE756I07DB1 03.06.2021
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest_INE756I07DH8 25.05.2021
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest & redemption_INE756I07CQ1 17.05.2021
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest & redemption_INE756I07BV3 10.05.2021
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest_INE756I07CK4 04.05.2021
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest_INE756I07DA3 17.04.2021
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest & repayment_INE756I07BU5 15.04.2021
BSE intimation regarding payment of interes & repayment - INE756I07BW1 06.04.2021
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest_INE756I07CE7 26.03.2021
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest_INE756I08033 22.03.2021
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest_INE756I08066 18.03.2021
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest_INE756I07CO6 12.03.2021
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest_INE756I07BD1 03.03.2021
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest _INE756I08132 22.02.2021
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest & redemption_INE756I07CM0 18.02.2021
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest _INE756I07CY5 16.02.2021
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest & redemption_INE756I07CN8 04.02.2021
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest_INE756I08124 01.02.2021
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest_INE756I07CZ2 20.01.2021
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest_INE756I07BU5 15.01.2021
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest_INE756I07CX7 28.12.2020
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest_INE756I08058 21.12.2020
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest & redemption_INE756I07BT7_INE756I08116 07.12.2020
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest_INE756I07BD1 03.12.2020
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest_INE756I08207_INE756I08025 01.12.2020
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest_INE756I07CW9 19.11.2020
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest_INE756I07BR1_INE756I07CV1 18.11.2020
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest_INE756I08173_INE756I08090 17.11.2020
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest_INE756I08082 13.11.2020
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest_INE756I07DG0 26.10.2020
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest & redemption_INE756I07BQ3 20.10.2020
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest_INE756I08041 19.10.2020
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest & redemption_INE756I07BM2 28.09.2020
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest_INE756I07CC1 09.09.2020
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest & redemption_INE756I07BP5 08.09.2020
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest_INE756I08165 07.09.2020
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest_INE756I07DB1 03.09.2020
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest_INE756I07CU3 28.08.2020
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest_INE756I07CS7 25.08.2020
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest_INE756I07DD7 24.08.2020
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest & repayment_INE756I08199_INE756I07BL 17.08.2020
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest & repayment_INE756I07CB3 14.08.2020
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest & repayment_INE756I08017_INE756I07CJ6 10.08.2020
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest_INE756I07CT5 07.08.2020
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest_INE756I08157 06.08.2020
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest & repayment_INE756I07CL2 31.07.2020
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest_INE756I07BM2_INE756I07DE5_INE756I08140 27.07.2020
NSE intimation regarding redemption_INE756I14CT1 22.07.2020
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest_INE756I08108 22.07.2020
NSE intimation regarding redemption_INE756I14CU9 20.07.2020
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest_INE756I07BL4 17.07.2020
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest_INE756I07CA5 13.07.2020
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest & redemption _INE756I07BF6 08.07.2020
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest & repayment _INE756I07BY7_INE756I07BH2_INE756I07DC9 29.06.2020
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest_ INE756I08074 20.06.2020
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest & redemption_ INE756I07BK6 19.06.2020
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest & redemption_ INE756I07BG4 18.06.2020
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest_ INE756I07CP3 17.06.2020
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest & redemption_ INE756I07CF4 15.06.2020
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest & redemption_ INE756I07BJ8 12.06.2020
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest & redemption_ INE756I07BE9 11.06.2020
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest_ INE756I08181 08.06.2020
NSE intimation regarding redemption_INE756I14CR5 04.06.2020
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest_ INE756I07DB1 03.06.2020
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest_ INE756I07BH2 29.05.2020
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest & redemption_ INE756I07BC3 26.05.2020
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest_ INE756I07CQ1 & INE756I07BG4 18.05.2020
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest_INE756I07BE9 11.05.2020
NSE intimation regarding redemption_INE756I14CO2 06.05.2020
NSE intimation regarding redemption_INE756I14CQ7 04.05.2020
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest_ INE756I07CK4 04.05.2020
NSE intimation regarding redemption_INE756I14CP9 30.04.2020
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest_ INE756I07BC3 27.04.2020
BSE intimation regarding payment of interest_ INE756I07DA3 17.04.2020
  • MUFG Intime India Private Limited
    C 101, 247 Park, L B S Marg, 
    Vikhroli (West), Mumbai - 400 083 

Non-Convertibles Debentures & Subordinated Bonds:

IDBI Trusteeship Services Limited
Mr. Pradeep Hande, Assistant Vice President
Universal Insurance Building,
Ground Floor, Sir P.M. Road, Fort,
Mumbai - 400 001.
Tel - 022 4080 7000,
Fax: 91 022 6631 1776

Perpetual Debt Instruments:

Axis Trustee Services Limited
Ms.Mangalagowri Bhat, Chief Transformation Officer
Ground Floor, Axis House,
Wadia International Centre,
Pandurang Budhkar Marg,
Worli, Mumbai - 400 0025.
Tel.: 91 022 6230 0446
Fax: 91 022 6230 0700

In case you are an Investor and need any information, data or Grievances write to
Name: Ms. Dipti Khandelwal
Company Secretary & Compliance Officer
Address: HDB Financial Services Limited
HDB House, Tukaram Sandam Marg,
A - Subhash Rd, Navpada, Vile Parle East,
Mumbai, Maharashtra 400057.
Tel: +91 02249116368
Fax: +91 02249116666
Kindly mention your Name, PAN, DP ID and Client ID when you write to us.

Availability of Online Dispute Resolution (ODR)

Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) vide its circular dated July 31, 2023 introduced Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) in Indian Securities Market. In addition to SCORES, Investors now have an additional mechanism available for dispute resolution.

An investor/client shall first take up his/her/their grievance with the Market Participant by lodging a complaint directly with the concerned Market Participant. If the grievance is not redressed satisfactorily, the investor/client may, in accordance with the SCORES guidelines, escalate the same through the SCORES Portal. After exhausting all available options for resolution of the grievance, if the investor/client is still not satisfied with the outcome, he/she/they can initiate dispute resolution through the ODR Portal.

For more information in this regard please refer below SEBI Circular dated July 31, 2023 read with corrigendum cum amendment to Circular dated July 31, 2023:

SEBI Circular on Online Resolution of Disputes in the Indian Securities Market

Link to ODR Portal