Healthcare & Sanitation
HDB has adopted a wide range of healthcare programs to promote good health across all age groups in under-served urban slums and remote rural areas. A significant portion of our annual CSR budget is allocated towards providing diagnostic and curative services related to eye care, kidney care, nutrition, reproductive health and general healthcare. Besides service-based healthcare, HDB has made dedicated efforts to improve infrastructure in schools and communities for easy accessibility of water and sanitation.HDB believes in a multi-stakeholder approach that seeks active participation from local residents, health bodies and frontline workers to bring about a sustained and positive change in our society.
Transport Aarogyam Kendra

Truck drivers work for long hours sitting in same posture in a narrow space which causes health issues like recurring pain in the neck, wrist, arms and back. Very few truck drivers have access quality health services as transport locations are usually at the outskirts of the city, lacking proper health care facilities.
HDB Financial Services Ltd initiated a Physiotherapy Program for Truck Drivers - "Transport Aarogyam Kendra" to provide quality Physiotherapy services which is easily accessible to truck drivers. Under this program, free Physiotherapy camps are organized across India for truck drivers.
Transport Aarogyam Kendra Clinics are set up in prominent transport locations like Sanjay Gandhi Transport Hub - Delhi, Namakkal - Tamil Nadu and Kalamboli - New Mumbai. The clinics are well equipped to perform physiotherapy sessions and is adequately staffed by experienced medical practitioners
Clean Drinking Water
- HDB's Clean Drinking Water program provides easy access to affordable and safe drinking water to residents of fluoride-affected villages and towns in Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra and Uttar Pradesh. 72 plus community water purification plants have been installed and over 22000 plus households have benefited from this initiative so far.
- To ensure sustainability, HDB works closely with the community from the very beginning and conducts series of training sessions on topics related to plant hardware, operations and maintenance. Local institutions such as Water Samitis and Water User Groups were formed and strengthening of these institutions has been of paramount importance throughout the program implementation.
- Survey reports suggest that women spend nearly five hours daily to fetch water for domestic purposes. To reduce the daily drudgery of women, HDB has introduced pipe water supply system that connects households in remote locations with the nearby water sources and have repaired dysfunctional hand pumps. Over 6290 plus rural households now have access to safe water at their doorstep

Water Sanitation & Hygiene Management (WASH)

- Growing up in a clean and safe environment is every child's right. HDB's comprehensive WASH program majorly focuses on providing safe sanitation to children attending low-income schools in urban and rural areas. Over 146 school sanitation blocks have been newly developed with age-appropriate hand washing stations and adequate water storage capacity. Bal Samitis or child parliament are constituted wherein each member is made accountable for the maintenance of WASH structure and cleanliness on school premises. The Samitis offer children a platform to become change agents not just in schools, but also in their communities.
- As a part of the program, training sessions are conducted in schools in vernacular languages to promote personal hygiene, menstrual waste management and nutrition for improved quality of life in the long-run. Hundreds of thousands of children have been trained on basic hygiene practices under this program.
- Under the same program, HDB conducts a week-long physio camp at transport nagars to promote physiotherapy among truck drivers and other stakeholders of the transport community. HDB has conducted six camps so far and plans to organize many more camps in the next eighteen months
Diagnosis & Treatment of Preventable Illness
Healthy citizens are the greatest assets of a country. Over the years, HDB has made consistent efforts to make primary healthcare easily accessible to promote early detection of preventable diseases. HDB's ongoing diagnostic and curative healthcare program provide OPD services through mobile medical vans, cataract detection camps followed by treatment, regular dialysis for kidney care and counselling on sexual and reproductive health. Under this program:
- 65000 individuals were provided access to primary healthcare services through 1150 OPD sessions being conducted in rural areas
- 50000 senior citizens were screened for cataract and other eye-related disorder through 325 free screening camps, 7700 adults reported improved sight post free cataract surgery
- 6000 dialysis sessions have been conducted to enable indigent patients perform their daily chores with ease
- Over a hundred thousand individuals were sensitized on SRH, contraception methods, family planning and institutional deliveries
Maternal & Child Nutrition

- HDB's maternal & child nutrition program is a step towards addressing the chronic problem of child malnutrition. The program directly sensitizes women in reproductive age, pregnant women, lactating mothers and their family members on promote safe motherhood and healthy diet for children in the age group of 0-6 years of age. Over 28000 households have been sensitized on topics related to maternal & child health.
- Our program team works closely with Aanganwadi Centers to build capacities of frontline staff to further strengthen the delivery of Integrated Child Development Scheme in conservative and under-served districts of Rajasthan. The program also seeks participation from local influencers such as the Sarpanch and District Medical Officer to bring about a sustained and systemic change in the community.
Hospital Infrastructure
- Over the years, HDB has made considerable investments in upgrading as well as expanding physical infrastructure of charitable hospitals with an objective to make quality healthcare services widely accessible to indigent patients in semi-urban and rural areas.
- So far, HDB has contributed towards establishing a 110-bed facility for an eye care hospital in Chennai, a Surgical Complex with four OTs in Bangalore, a 45-bed community ward in a multi-specialty Hospital and dialysis machines for a Community Hospital in Mumbai.